Faking It
The bow tied one read over my blog entry on the subject and his favorite title pick is: Faking It. So AzLang, remind me to send you a book when it comes out. (I will try to remember this myself, but as my memory is frequently out bowling with my muse, it is not the most reliable entity.)
Of course, who knows what the marketing department will decide as far as the title. Just One Wish started out as My Life as a Teenage Genie, briefly flirted with the title: The Rules of Wishing, then went to Last Wish, then went to When You Wish Upon a Movie Star, and finally settled on Just One Wish.
I am not hard to please when it comes to titles. Covers, on the other hand send me over the edge. Often times you can find me huddled in a corner weeping over my cover art and muttering, “You can’t judge a book by its cover, but people always do!!”
Really, just don’t get me started on that subject.
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That’s AZ_Ang…no “L”, lol! Although, AzLang kinda has a ring to it.
I’m so happy! This is the second book I’ve won this month for suggesting a title. Doing the happy dance, oh yeah! You know…if he likes my titles…Oh, nevermind. 😉
Thank you Janette! Oh, and it was fun sitting next to you at the Bruce Hale talk. *waves*
(The open ID thing isn’t working, so I have to sign in as anon.)
Hi Janette! I haven’t posted a comment in a long time, although I always read you.
I LIKE “My Life as a Teenage Genie”. I’m surprised they didn’t go with that. It describes the book so well. JUST ONE WISH is good, but more vague as to what it’s about. Regardless, I hope it’s selling great!
(Hey, come to my blog party – I just sold a 3 book deal to Scholastic!) There’s more food here, and one of the guests brought a pinata: http://kimberleylittle.livejournal.com
ah a new title! I don’t mind my books getting retitled; I just hate that it takes me months to remember what the new title is. My brain is small like that.
Good choice!
And hey, a cover might be what makes someone pick up and buy it, but what’s inside is what makes them yell at their friends until they buy a copy too.
Oops, Angela. Apparently there for a moment I thought your name was Langela. That probably happens all of the time.
“Langela”?…I like it! It does happen all the time.lol!
Kimberly is so right! I came across one of your books at the library and was hooked. I called all my cousins and made them go get your books too and now we all have them all!
You are obviously a brilliant family!
Faking It–I like! And I’ll be chewing my fingernails off with you as you wait for the cover. May the cover fairies bless you immensly!
I can’t believe that “the bow-tied one” didn’t like my title!
That’s okay, Chuck. I liked it.
I like all your covers, except the take the ex out of ex boyfreind. Yours were som much better
Wow, Janette! Your readers are even excited about your titles! You are in author Nirvana!
Ur blog is really good. I’m teen reader of ur’s and my fav. book ev. is Fame, Glory…. (You should write a sequel!!) SO thats all, thank you and goodnight!!!