My Unfair Godmother
Tansy Miller has always felt that her divorced father has never had enough time for her. But mistakenly getting caught on the wrong side of the law wasn’t exactly how she wanted to get his attention. Enter Chrysanthemum “Chrissy” Everstar, Tansy’s fairy in shining, er, high heels. Chrissy is only a fair godmother, of course, so Tansy’s three wishes don’t exactly go according to plan. And if bringing Robin Hood to the twenty-first century isn’t bad enough for Tansy, being transported back to the Middle Ages to deal with Rumpelstiltskin certainly is. She’ll need the help of her blended family, her wits, and especially the cute police chief’s son to stop the gold-spinning story from spinning wildly out of control. Janette Rallison pulls out all the stops in this fresh, fun-filled follow-up to the popular My Fair Godmother.
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Will you be continuing the UnFair Godmother series? I thoroughly enjoyed the two books out, and would love to see a third. One of my 7th grade students introduced me to you books…
I’m working on it right now, but it’s going pretty slowly because I have revisions for other books as well. Why doesnβt life just stop so I can get stuff done? (Off to the dentist now . . .)
YES! I’m so excited =D
I also thoroughly enjoyed and loved the two books in the series, your characters are hilarious and wonderful, you have an amazing imagination. Keep up the work!!!
Ahhhh!!! SO EXCITED for a third book!! ^_^
When do you think the third book will be published ? I’m so eager to read it .. Can you tell me your estimated date ? please?
I’m still not done. I just have a couple more scenes to write, then I’ve got to revise the whole thing, which takes longer than I’d like. Then I’ve got to send it to the publisher for their feedback–which takes months generally. So I still don’t have any date. Sorry!
Ms. Rallison,
This may seem kind of odd, but I wanted to express my gratitude to you for your books. I have read several of them, and thoroughly enjoyed them all. I am 26 years old, and am frequently disappointed by the literature targeting my demographic. Most of them are filled with things I feel are very inappropriate, so I often turn to YA literature. Your books are a breath of fresh air, as your characters are interesting, relatable, and not wallowing around in debauchery. As a Christian, I try to be very careful about what I read, see, etc., and you are one of the few authors who provide fun, clean fiction. So, thank you for that! I’m very excited to hear about a third book in the “My Fair Godmother” series. Thank you again! π
Thanks Jessica! I started writing YA for that very reason. I didn’t think there were enough fun, clean books for my daughters. Now if I could only write a couple of books a week, I could keep up with their reading demands.
I thinks it’s great that you are an LDS author because I am LDS and I know that I can look to your books to find clean romance that follows some of our standards as mormons! Can’t wait for book #4!
I am so excited for the third book! I love your writing. It is part of the large group I call my favorites. As you are one of my favorite authors, I wish I could get and read every one of your books.
If your local library doesn’t have them, ask for them. A lot of time they’ll buy books if a patron asks for them. Hope you like my CJ Hill books too.
So I just read your comment about you being almost done with the third book…..and now I’m wondering if you’ve got a release date yet? I’m super excited and couldn’t help but ask π
It was supposed to be the end of Feb, but now it’s looking like the First of March (because I’m behind on copyedits. Sigh.)
When is the release date to your third book? I really want to know. I cant wait for it to come out. I really want to read it.
I’m so close. I think it will be any day now. Stay tuned.
when is the print version coming out?
I saw your two godmother books at library and checked them out as I enjoy paranormal books. I liked the first one but must ask you, do you do any research before you write books? I am much older than the group you write the books for and am very disgusted with the ROBIN HOOD story.You made him a criminal similar to people in our time period. I know he is a fictional character based loosely on Robert of Locksley and in the time he is protrayed he helped people who were starving and homeless so GET YOUR INFORMATION correct. and not make him or any other character you choose to write about as people on our time.SHAME ON YOU
Um, I’m glad you love the Robin Hood story, but actually he is a completely fictional character. He’s sort of like the fairy godmother, which I also don’t portray in the usual way. This has nothing to do with research, it is just personal writing preference. And since he is a completely fictional character, writers can portray him any way they’d like. I chose to twist his personality for humor purposes. But if you’d like a better rendition of Robin Hood, read my book Just One Wish. In that book Robin Hood is portrayed as the hero you would like.
I want to clarify my dislike of your ROBIN HOOD story. It is not because I am a fan of Robin Hood it is because I don’t believe the age group you write for has much knowledge of him and to portray him as a villain is definitely wrong. but damage is done and can’t be fixed I can only ask that in future think of age group you are writing for and portray characters correctly. Yes writers can portray characters as they wish but most authors are careful which in this instance you were not.
Hey Janette! I really enjoyed My Unfair Godmother and was wondering if you’re going to continue the series?
There are three books right now. My Fair Godmother, My Unfair Godmother, and My Fairly Dangerous Godmother. Eventually I’d like to write a fourth book, but that will have to be after I’m done with some other projects, so it won’t be out for a few years.
Hello Janette, I finished Just One Wish and wanted to move on to the Godmother series; however, the second book in the series is no longer available on Kindle. Will it be coming back to Kindle since the other two are still there? Thank you.
I just put it up on kindle again a couple of days ago. So you should be able to find it on Amazon. Hope you enjoy it!
Thank you so much! I was able to purchase it today! π
Hi, I just found book 1 and 3 of the Godmother series on audible but not book 2. Did something happen to book 2 or was it just not recorded? Will it be recorded? Is this just a mistake? I’m sorry if I sound desperate. It’s just that while I do enjoy the series, I loved book 2 the best and wish to experience it on audio the most out of all three books.
Thanks π
Book two hasn’t been turned into an audiobook yet, but probably will be in 2017. I just got the rights back to it and would like to have the narrator who did My Fairly Dangerous Godmother do that book too
Glad to hear it. I’ll await with anticipation. π
Any update on this??? Love your books and want to listen to this one too.
The third book is out in print, ebook, and audio. You can see it here: My Fairly Dangerous Godmother