My Unfair Godmother is here!
Or at least it should be. If it’s not, you should stand around your local bookstore and in a loud voice say, “I demand you get me a copy of My Unfair Godmother forthwith!”
It’s 12:35 AM. Just for the heck of it I went on to Amazon to see my sales rank. It’s at 32,854 which is actually better than I expected. There are already nine used copy for sale. Where do these people get their copies? Mine are supposed to show up tomorrow. Are Walker interns pocketing the books or something?
Anyway, today’s give-away is a copy of My Unfair Godmother–complete with a bonus mistake left over from the whole straw/hay debacle.
Here’s the deal. My good buddy,, and I will choose a winner at the end of each day. (The end of each day depends on when I go to bed, so comment early.) Commenting will get you one chance. If you’re also a follower you get two chances (be sure to tell me you’re a follower in your comment), and if you put something about this giveaway on your blog or facebook status you get four chances. (Put the link to your post in your comment.)
***But today in order to get the extra points for blogging/tweeting/facebook statusing you need to have something that says the book is released today. Oh, and you can comment on Facebook, Goodreads, or my website blog. I will be counting all of those comments.
May the be with you!
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I can’t believe I’m the first one to comment here. Looking forward to reading it, whether I win a copy or not!
Congratulations on publishing your new book. I am excited to read it and would love to win a copy. I am a follower.
Yay! Happy Release Day 🙂
Still a follower!
I’m a follower!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I am still a follower (:
-Katie (Books are Dreams)
I am your #1 follower!
I Facebooked:!/deborah.j.owen/posts/218663908148817
I Goodreaded:
And I blogged:
Congratulations! I cannot wait. I’m about to put on my shoes and run down to the store. Maybe I should change out of my bathrobe first? Details, details.
I’m a follower.
AWESOMESAUCE congrats! (: I’m horribly happy for you. gonna order a copy, definitely. (mum will have it off with my head. pox). but anyway! still a follower, as always. on twitter, too – @pheeeena (yes, with 5Es. don’t ask).
and YEP that’s about it… i think.
have a good one!
If I could appease the gods in any way to get this book, I would. Alas, I’m only a follower and just one in a bunch.
I have been WAITING for this book to come out for like, a year!
My Fair Godmother was the first of your books that I read. I laughed my head off during the bikini top scene. 🙂
I am a follower, and posted on my blog about the giveaways. Pick me! Pick me! 🙂
Still a follower. I commented on Facebook, and must say it again…I LOVE your writing! You have not let me down! I was excited to read the first book and with good reason and now can’t wait to read the second. Amazing! That’s all I have to say. And I will definitely tweet about this (@brykateemma)
yay! still a follower and i follow you on twitter!
Happy bookday!
I’ve used a lot of exclamation points!
Here are a few more!!
Go, Janette!!
Congrats on the release!! How exciting. I’ve reread my ARC at least a dozen times since I got it. Love it so much. It actually got me in the mood to go back and read My Fair Godmother, Just One Wish, What the Doctor Ordered, Trial of the Heart, Masquerade. Sadly I was never able to find a copy of Time Riders. Anyway, love your stuff and following your blog. They make me smile.
Yay! I’m so happy this is finally out! And I’m a follower!
still a follower.
Today’s release posted on Facebook:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=138669799537819&id=161317363924658
Still a follower. I can’t wait to read it! Congrats!
I’m still a follower and I posted it on Goodreads. I’m soooo excited to read it!!!
Still a follower! and here’s goodreads… and facebook…!/alyssajens
and here’s my blog:
Congratulations on your new book! 😀 I’m still a follower (:
I’m still a follower. and here is my facebook post.!/permalink.php?story_fbid=10150132646712899&id=552287898
Congrats on your new release!
GFC follower: Lexie@BookBug
lexie.bookbug at gmail dot com
I’m a follower.
Congrats on the book!
Can’t wait to read this one! Hapy release day! I’m still a follower.
Exciting day=) Cant wait to read it!
Can’t wait to read it!
Congratulations! It looks like an amazing book!
I’m still a follower and will always be because well ur my favorite author of ALL TIME! Anyhoo, by the looks of it I won’t be winning this one, theres bound to be lots of entries, but hey, I hope to buy it, if my bookstore gets it (there’s mostly just seed catalogues and adult novels)…
still a follower, mentioned you in my blogpost today!
Thanks for all the giveaways! Well all appreciate it! By the way, I’m a follower!
Congratulations! I’m a follower. 🙂
Congrats Janette!! What an exciting day! 🙂 I can’t wait to get my own copy forthwith. Or something like that. (and you know I am a follower already.)
This comment has been removed by the author.
I’m a follower! 🙂 Come on random website… *rubs hands together* Oh and I mentioned the giveaway in my blog.
Congratulations! Hope your book signing went well. I look forward to reading your book.
I am a GFC follower
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I’ve practically read all your books at least twice, so I’m SUPER excited that your newest book comes out today. This weekend I read one of your books to my cousin, and now she’s hooked! I’m a follower, AND your biggest Facebook fan!
I hope I win. 🙂 I’m still a follower. I put a comment on facebook about the book:!/profile.php?id=639614431
Yahoo! Happy the day is finally here! Best of luck to you:)
Still following:)
“Amazon, send me my copy of My Unfair Godmother, forthwith!” It still didn’t come instantly, I could use some fairy godmother magic here. Have a great book signing, and happy release day!
Yay! (Though Amazon says I have to wait until the 14th to get my Unfair Godmother) And I’m still following (is it okay to want to win this one too?!?)
Congrats on the release. I’ve been telling everyone about My Fair Godmother. Loved it. I’ve been so excited for the sequel.
I blogged about it.
Yay! Still a follower on both sites, and posted on my blogggg:)
I loved the first, and would love to read this one. Happy Release day!
I’m a follower!
i’m so happy that this is finally out! if I don’t win I will be buying this very soon! oh and i am a follower 🙂
The book sounds great! Can’t wait to read it.
OMG! yay its here.Im so excited too bad I have to wait for the weekend to get it
Oooo! I want a copy. Congrats on another new release!
I need to win!!! Otherwise I go hungry because I’ll spend my meager income buying the book, rather than nourishing my body.
And I’m a follower.:)
Yay, congrats!
GFC and twitter follower.
I saw Janette at her book party at Changing Hands bookstore and she was wonderful! I grabbed a copy and started reading it in line while I waited to get it signed. I’m already hooked and can’t wait to read the rest of it!
Ha ha! The used books are from folks who fanatically follow the Bowker or Books in Print or somebody-or-other-who-I-can’t-recall’s feed of upcoming books/ISBNs issued, so they put up listings set for release day. They don’t HAVE the books yet. When folks order, they find them and ship them.
I did! I did! It’s coming in the mail today!!! :DDD
Got the book today! READ IT! I absoulutely loved it. Very good.
This looks like such a good read. Thanks for the amazing giveaway and Congrats on your release 🙂
mrsjohnson1982 at yahoo dot com
I’m going to my local bookstore today (I know, a few days late) and demand my copy. Loudly.
Finally, I’M glad you got the book out I’ve been waiting to read it!!!!!