My Wonderful editor
Okay, I have to give major kudos to the bow-tied one. In fact, I take back all of those things I’m going to say about him during my next book’s revisions. He asked me a long time ago who I wanted to blurb my book and the first name I said was Ellen Conford.
Right now Ellen Conford is best known for her Jenny Archer and Annabel the Actress series but back when I was growing up she not only wrote middle grade novels she also wrote some dang funny Young Adult books. She was hands down my favorite author. I loved reading about her quirky heroines because they always made me laugh. I pretty much wanted to be her when I grew up. In fact, after I’d written my first national market novel, Playing the Field, Tim mentioned that my main character didn’t have a last name and needed one. So I gave my character the last name of Conford in her honor.
Now the thing about Ellen Conford is that she is not easy to get a hold of. Go ahead and try to google her. She doesn’t have a website. I know it took Tim a long time to get a hold of her and even longer to get her to read my book and blurb it, but he did–and SHE DID!!!! (Those are exclamation points of a rabid fan. Imagine me waving my hands around and squealing.)
Here is what she said about my next book for Tim, Just One Wish.
Rallison’s manuscript was a pleasant surprise, humorous and unsentimental in spite of its serious underpinnings. I especially appreciated the scheming and machinations the girls devise to see Steve Raleigh. . . With sympathetic characters and a charming teen aged hunk I think that Janette Rallison’s book will appeal to many young teenagers.
I am so going to put this quote somewhere on my website. And there will probably be dancing cats or something surrounding it just to draw people’s attention to it. Because yeah–how cool am I–my idol liked my book. Wahoo!
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Very cool, congrats on your treasured blurb!
Now that is one of the coolest moments ever!
Oh yeah…you are very cool Janette! What fun! I don’t feel so bad now about not being able to get in touch with “that other famous Author” you called about. Having such a wonderful blurb from a personal hero is “way cooler.” ~hugs to you~
That is so cool!! When does Just One Wish come out?
March 2009–which still seems very far away.
March ’09. Hmmm…that would make a wonderful birthday present for me 🙂
Oh wow! Print that off and frame it! What an incredible moment of ego-strokey goodness!
Very nice indeed.
Great endorsement! March 09 is getting closer every day 🙂
That is WAY cool!!!! Congratulations. Hmmm…and this is a topic I’ve never even considered myself. Now I’ll have to think on it because my first answer would’ve been Paula Danzigger. Alas, while I have one of her books signed to me by her with good wishes for my writing career, it’s too late for a blurb. Anyway, congratulations!!!! Maybe my answer will be Janette Rallison!
Ahh, how sweet!
Very cool! (Ever think of trying to get Barbara Park to review your books? I haven’t read Junie B. Jones, but I loved her early work, which was for an older audience)
I didn’t realize that Barbara Park had ever written anything but Junie B (Who I love because we have the same spelling ability.)
I’ll have to find those books and read them.
Do you realize how lucky you are? You’ve met both of your childhood idols! This means there’s hope for me meeting Orlando Bloom when I’m old!
Orlando Bloom raises his not-so-ugly head once again in a Janette Rallison blog!
Yes, let’s all stop for a moment and picture Orlando Bloom. Aaaaah. I feel better now.
sweet that’s so great! That’s great that she blurbed it for you!
and th for mentioning googling the invisible woman…now it’s going to bother me until I do.
That is so wicked awesome Janette!!! But of course she’d blurb the book after reading it. You are my favorite YA writer.
Thanks, Juile! See, that’s why I think you’re brilliant!
breaking dawn
i guess i liked it. it was sort of disappointing though. if you’ve read it you will know what i mean. almost all of my friends were disappointed. but i guess it was a ok book. have you read it yet?
I haven’t. I’m waiting until I’m done with my next book and I have a chunk of time. Otherwise I know I’ll sit and read it instead of doing everything I’m supposed to do.