New Year’s Writing Resolutions
It’s that time when we all start thinking about New Year’s resolutions. I’ve come up with ten writing goals. I might be able to keep nine of them.
1) Learn how to spell hors d’oeuvres so I don’t have to google it every single time.
2) Use the word appetizers more instead of hors d’oeuvres.
3) Don’t yell things at the computer such as, “Find that file or I’ll show you what you can do with your gigabytes!” Or any other thing that would make the neighbors question my sanity.
4) Stop checking Amazon’s rankings for my novels. Do I really want to know that353,194 books are selling better than mine today? No, I don’t.
5) Stop noticing Amazon’s rankings for other books. Do I really want to know that Snookie’s book is number 11 in biographies? Again, no, I don’t.
6) Learn what all those acronyms mean so I can understand my fan emails.
7) Don’t send critiques to authors who have asked me for blurbs. (Yes, I have done this, and yes, I do feel bad about it. But in my defense, I was trying to help the authors improve their books.)
8) Don’t see how many sunflower seeds the hamster can fit in its mouth while I’m supposed to be writing.
9) Don’t see how many Almond Joys I can fit in my mouth while I’m supposed to be writing.
10) Finish my middle-grade fantasy, sell my paranormal romance, write sequels to Slayers, Erasing Time, and the next Fairy Godmother book–and do all the revisions said books require.
Sigh. Can you guess which goal I’ll have the most trouble with?
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Those are awesome goals! I need to make mine more like that. Thanks for the laugh!
I think you can do it! Have a little faith. 🙂 And thanks for the laugh!
I can totally understand why you would have trouble with that goal. Those Almond Joys are yummy.
Love this, Janette! I’m inspired now to set my own goals for 2012. 🙂
Thanks for your faith in me. Although probably I will never really learn how to spell hors’ d whatever.
And the Almond Joys . . . probably a lost cause . . .
Wow. Can I just say how excited I am to READ all those sequels and fun new books you’ll be writing?!
Gotta say…if Almond Joy’s are part of your inspiration and process of turning out your amazing books…then puh-lease(!) post a PO Box and I’ll send as much as I can to help you through your writing process! 😉
I have been going about this resolution thing all wrong. Great post – new follower 🙂
I’m excited for those sequels! Also? Your list kinda makes me wish I had a hamster to distract me from my writing – your hamster sounds like a much better distraction than my surfing the web again and again and again …
Liz, thanks for the offer but the bathroom scale keeps insisting that I don’t need anymore Almond Joys. Sigh.
Another great distraction from writing–looking at dolls on ebay. (It may be time to do another blog post about scary looking reborn dolls.)
I love almond joys… -sigh-
Great minds think alike.
You are going to be busy this year! I can’t wait until your next book!
Good luck keeping all the Almond Joys stuffed in your mouth 🙂
(Try M&Ms, they’re easier to hide)
True, although there are all those Christmas truffles on my dresser . . . (The chocolate kind, not the fungus.)
I think the hardest goal would be spelling h/earvues…….uh, I can’t spell it either. ;-D
I REALLY want 2 read Dragon Slayers, My Fair Godmother, & My unfair Godmother. but I can’t find them. it’s quite frustrating.
if u ever need someone 2 help edit ur work, e-mail me. I’ll be glad to help. 🙂
don’t understand why u like Almond Joys, I,myself, find them revolting. but, oh well. evry1s dif.
these goals r quite humorous. actually, on 2nd thought, ALL ur stuff is. huh. go figure.