Project Book Babe is Saturday, April 4th
Just a reminder that all the hot vampires and ultra cool werewolves will be at
Marcos de Niza High School Auditorium,
6000 S. Lakeshore Dr.,Tempe, AZ 85283
from 2:00-5:00
Stephenie Meyer will be auctioning off her Twilight prom dress and if you can go by some Twi-moms blogs, it looks like the competition will be fierce.
I’ve offered to auction off my prom dress as well, but somehow the project organizers don’t seem to be thrilled with this suggestion.
Ah well, it’s all for a good cause.
Hope to see you there!
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Good luck! My virtual self would love to have the honor of being the winning bid on your prom dress. I could wear it, virtually, to a virtual masquerade ball next year. 😛
Wish I could be there–you get to have all the fun!! Good luck and don’t get bit by an vampires :).
My mom is so cool!
You know – you can get really nice prom dresses for $5 or $10 at the local second hand store if you really want one that’s already been worn…
Too funny – I wonder how much it will end up going for.
Have fun among the werewolves and vampires! Carry lots of garlic, just in case. 🙂
Wish I could be there Janette, but I’m getting my taxes done on that day (grumble, grumble) Good luck — and remember, when your book sales exceed J.K. Rowling and Stephenie Meyer’s, those book promo people will be tearing their hair out wondering why they didn’t auction off your prom dress!
It was soooo much fun!! (And the dress went for 5,500.) I will blog about it soon.