The graduation blues
It’s my least favorite time of year. That time when retailers feel the need to herald the end of another school year with Congratulations Graduates of 2013 plates, cups, napkins, and balloons.
I’ve been a parent for the last 25 years. I don’t remember what life was like before toys, piles of laundry, and homework were spread out over my house. My children are the best and most important thing to me. Next September my oldest son will leave home. In another year, my twins will graduate. The last thing I want is to be reminded of this fact every time I step into a store.
This is what grocery stores think I see when I walk down the bakery aisle:
This is what I actually see when I walk down the bakery aisle:
A special thanks to my son for drawing this cake. (And that’s another thing–who is going to help me with computer stuff when they go? I soo need some chocolate . . . and maybe a therapist.)
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I still help my mom with computer stuff, even though I left home several years ago. Every time she comes to visit I have to run updates on her laptop, and I have to fix her email remotely 🙂 Don’t worry, you’ll still get to see your kids!
I’ve convinced myself that if I read YA until I’m ninety I’ll never actually grow up.
Tiana, you’re right–there is ways for them to see my desktop remotely. (I’m not sure how, but I must figure that out before they all leave–or wait for my youngest daughter to get techno-savvy.)
Eliza, good point. I still don’t feel all the way grown up.
Your description of your adult life sounds a bit like my teenage life (at least the piles of laundry and homework part). I wonder if our perception of childhood is different from a child’s perspective of childhood.
Well, I doubt after they leave whether there will be toys or homework strewn around–the piles of laundry might stay . . .and I might still have book stuff strewn around. So who knows, maybe it will just be quieter . ..
I completely understand how you feel. I waited 6 years to have our first and now she’ll be in 8th grade. My “baby” is 2 1/2 and he’s reading at the level of an almost 4 year old and drawing like a 4 year old. It’s killing me. Slow down kids. …Jill Henrichsen
My mom has the same problem when it comes to computer stuff. My brother does everything remotely for her.
It’s so tough to have kids grow up! My little girl is going to kindergarten in the fall. *sniff*
Jill, She’s in 8th grade already? Who sped up time? Wow.
Dena, it all starts with kindergarten, oh sure it’s cute at first–and then the next thing you know–bam!–they want the car keys.
I can understand how you feel my one and only child will be 21 this year and I have no idea where the time has gone.
I’ve already told the 4yr old he can’t date until he’s 30 and he’s never leaving home.
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