Want to hang out with Stephenie Meyer? (Okay, that got your attention, didn’t it?)
Come to projectbook.babe on Saturday, April 4th 2009, 2:00PM to 5:00PM at
Marcos de Niza High School Auditorium,
6000 S. Lakeshore Dr.,Tempe, AZ 85283
Look at this a-list of authors who will be there (in alphabetical order):
Frank Beddor-The Looking Glass Wars series
Chris Gall-There’s Nothing to Do on Mars
P.J. Haarsma-The Softwire series
Shannon Hale-The Princess Academy
J.S. Lewis-The Revenge of the Shadow King
Dean Lorey-Nightmare Academy series
Stephenie Meyer-Twilight saga
Brandon Mull-Fablehaven series
James A. Owen-Here, There Be Dragons
Janette Rallison-Just One Wish
Laini Taylor-Faeries of Dreamdark series
And it’s all for a good cause too. We’re helping out our very good friend and YA advocate, Faith Hochhalter, who is going up against cancer—a nasty villain in anybody’s book.
Everyone who buys a ticket will receive an autographed copy a book. Really, it is going to be a ton of fun, and I won’t let the cat out of the bag, but Shannon Hale is busy at work guaranteeing that we will all make fools of ourselves. Also Stephenie is auctioning off some Twilight memorabilia, which as you all know, has an ample sprinkling of vampire dust on it. I’m pretty sure Edward Cullen has touched all of it, so touching it is just like being caressed in his marble cold embrace.
You can buy tickets to this fab, once-in-a-lifetime event by going to projectbookbabe.com
Hope to see you there!
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*wishes Az was closer to IL*
Argh! I like so many of the authors on that list, and it would be good to help out with the book babe cause too!
Good luck! 🙂
If we can’t be there, is there a place we can donate some money to help out?
I think you can donate money at the website projectbookbabe.com
You WILL! Cuz I will be there!!! I’m SO excited! Unfortunately (or fortunately, if you’re my bank account) the reception sold out. So I’m considering making tons of posters to say hi to you and my other faves on the panel. And I’m cooking up a t-shirt to wear, too.
Let me know if you want to get together before or after! I know you’re a busy lady though… I think you’ve got my email address from our interview if you want to be in touch!
I would love to go to that! I just wish that I had some more money so that I could get the gold member seating for me and a friend, who is yet to be determined.
Holy smokes that’s quite a line up! I hope you raise a million bucks. (Try to slip me the keys to Edward’s car, k? That sounds like good memorabilia to me)
Usually, I love my country, but suddenly I’m wanting to defect…sounds like a blast!
Okay, I read that as C.S. Lewis at first glance!
Sorry, but if HE’S going to be there, I’m running the other way!
Hey, that would be cool–maybe he could bring Tolkien too . . .
Oh goodness. I wished I lived in Arizona. I would feint from the excitement of meeting all those amazing authors.
Boy, wish I could be in AZ about that week. I used to live there and haven’t been to visit for fifteen years. Miss the weather like nuts.
Sounds like an awesome event and I hope you have a blast.
If only I lived closer . . . of course I get to see you in a few weeks. I am sooooo looking forward to buying Just One Wish. That sounds like a wicked awesome lineup though.
Yeah, it’s been a long time since I was so excited about doing an author event–I may even plan what I’m going to wear before I have to get dressed for event. And Jon Lewis may actually wear something besides a T-shirt
Seriously, there’s an author named James Owen? Does he look like my character: medium tall, black hair, missing a rib?
Hmm, word ver: actisom. Sounds like a sleep medication. Do I need that?
Oh man. I really wished I could go there. To tell you the truth I NEVER went to one. so yeah….boo hoo for me. I really wished I lived in AZ better not yet I live in WA (thats where twilight is!) . Apparantly I really want to go and the tickets is what I also wish I could buy. Well yep.
A fan of all the authors I read books of! (including you!)