Yay, it went well!
You’ll all be glad to hear that there was no need for a metorite to come crashing into earth to put me out of my misery. Civilization is safe until the next book signing. Thanks to all of you who came out. You’re the greatest!
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Glad it went well. I liked your jr. high dance analogy. Guess that you’re one of the popular kids after all!
Hurray! I would have totally gone. Except. I don’t live in Arizona.
Maybe someday I’ll do one wherever you are . . . the land of the unicorns?
Yeah! Once you get published the nightmares of rejections still aren’t over – oh why do we do this to ourselves? 🙂
good, becuase I didn’t have a meteorite to give you.
The nightmares of rejection never, never end. That is why it is wise to keep a stock pile of meteorites.