Chicago trip
I am way behind on blogging about my travels, which matches, incidentally, my being behind on cleaning, organizing, updating my website, and well, just about everything else. One day I’ll master the art of not sleeping and then I’ll get all caught up. Until then I’ll just keep being behind.
So now I’ll write about my Chicago trip—which incidentally and amazingly I didn’t get lost at. Not even once. Of course this is probably because I rented a car with GPS. But still, it is amazing none the less when you consider that I once got lost from a hotel lobby to my room.
I presented at Anderson’s YA conference and met very cool people like Christopher Paul Curtis Bud, Not Buddy Sherman Alexie The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, Sonya Sones What My Mother Doesn’t Know Christopher Crutcher whose books are all put on the American Library Association Best Books before the ink dries, and Robert Sharenow, who wrote the book: My Mother the Cheerleader (which isn’t about cheerleaders, by the way.) He is also Vice President of Nonfiction and Alternative Programming at the A&E network, which means that he know Dog the Bounty Hunter. For some reason that I can’t explain myself, I absolutely love that show. (I am one of the few people in the world who doesn’t have cable so I only watch it when I’m in hotels, which it turns out is quite often. Go Dog go!)
It’s always fun to travel and meet other authors. It amazes me that people who are so famous—like Christopher Paul Curtis—are such nice, down to earth people. He told some really funny stories about his early years writing and working in a factory. I guess I remember back in school when all the pictures of authors showed a bunch of stern old men with pipes who looked frighteningly scholarly.
I have yet to meet that type of author. Which is a pleasant surprise.
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I love Dog too! Beth gives me the creeps, but Dog is the bomb. I’m so glad you had a good time. GPS is the only way to travel.
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I should get a GPS just for getting to local bookstores w/out getting lost!
I really want to get one. I think I bonded with it during the trip. It is my bff now.
I got a GPS a couple of month ago after I went to BYU Education Week and was the navagator. I got to play with my friend’s GPS and fell in love with it. I had to have my own. Is it freaky that I can go from my home to the mail boxes about 0.1 mile away under its direction if I really want to? LOL! I’m going to enjoy trying it out for real when I take a trip next week.
I love Dog too.
I till haven’t got Revenge of the cheerleaders! every bookstore i’ve gone too is out of it – sigh -. I’ve really wanted to meet Christopher Paul Curtis when he was in the valley, but i didn’t get the chance. GPSs’ are one of the best things ever, although i once saw on PBS ( i watch way too much PBS) teams compeating and testing to see if a compass was better that a GPS. Suprisingly the comass won, but GPS are still beter for everyday travel.
My Spelling is horrible,
I know, spelling is over rated.
If a store isn’t carrying it, please ask them too. Unfortunately sometimes it’s the only way they know that they need to order copies.
Dog rocks! I need a gps to get to work everyday (and my desk is right next to my bed) I really really want a gps. I mean REALLY want one. Maybe my next royalty check can be for presents and not bills . . . LOL rii-ight!
A GPS would be my dream come true. I’m directionally challenged and lose myself all the time 🙂
Sounds like a super trip, Janette.
You’re on a nationwide book tour! That is so cool!
I have gps in my SUV. I can barely function when I have to drive something without it. Sometimes, though, I detect a little annoyance in her voice when I don’t follow her instructions.
It was fun having you here in Houston last week (which, I’m assuming was after the Chicago trip). I blogged about it a last week on The Ink Ladies.
Be sure to come back!
Revenge of the Cheerleaders arrived today! I was so put out when the Val Vista BN didn’t have it. But that didn’t stop me from making them send it to me. Now I have it!
BTW, Janette, I tagged you on The Ink Ladies for the kissable male literary characters. Here’s the link so you’ll know what you’re doing.
Snoggable Fictitious Males
What’s up with the word ver? It’s dpydoo, clearly dippity-doo! Remember that?