Erasing Time countdown and book a day giveaway
In completely unrelated news, we are having the most amazing lightning storm in Arizona right now. It’s like a strobe light outside. And yet I couldn’t convince any of my family to get out of bed and go sit outside on the wet lawn and watch it. Some people are completely lacking in spontaneity. Okay, so my pants are now all wet, so I’m going to be short about this.
Erasing Time is coming out August 28th. It’s awesome. Go buy several copies, because hey, you’ve got to get your parents/daughters/ friends something for their birthday/Christmas/ graduation/shower gift.
And it’s got a cool cover.
I’m giving books away every day until I make a dent on the ones in my closet (or until I get hit by lightning). Leave a comment about what you would like to be famous for. Followers get an extra chance. People who tweet/blog about the giveaway get an extra chance too. You can still enter if you’ve already won. might like you twice.
Tonight it will be Fame, Glory, and Other Things On My To Do List. (Okay, I know it has a cheesy pink cover, but it’s still one of my funniest, especially if you’ve ever seen West Side Story.)
A PC school principal turns West Side Story into a comedy of errors.
Sixteen year-old Jessica dreams of Hollywood fame, and when Jordan moves into her small town, she dreams of him too. He’s a movie star’s son, and hey, he’s gorgeous to boot. Jordan has always wanted to get out from the shadow cast by his superstar father, but now that he and his mother have moved so far away from LA, how can he get his divorced parents back together? Jessica convinces Jordan the way to get his father to come for a long visit is to be a part of the school play. And if she’s “discovered” in the process, all the better. Things go wrong when she lets Jordan’s secret identity slip, and grow even more disastrous when the principal tries to change West Side Story into a gangfree, violence-free, politically correct production.
In the same romantic and sharply witty spirit of Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Free Throws, Janette Rallison delivers another comic gem that teen readers are sure to love.
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If I have to be famous, I want it to be as an author – I’ve been working towards it since I was about 5 or 6. I follow this blog privately, so I don’t think you can verify it by checking your followers list. I won’t feel bad if you don’t count my following because of that.
I would like to be famous for being a chocolate taster. I could be invited all over the world to test new creations. I follow you on google reader.
I really need to own this one! I’d be a famous inventer. I’d want to invent something life changing and cool like post it notes.
Thanks so much for the great giveaways! I’m a follower.
I would be a famouse quilter. And this is absolutely one of my favorite books. I so want to win!
This is one my favorite books and in my opinion one your best! I really want to win!!!
If I had to be famous I would want be an FBI agent. Helping people and making a difference would be awesome!!
I am a follower.
I would want to be famous as an author. I really want to be one! *sighs* I am a follower. Sierra
Keep growing beautiful!
i follow you on google+ and goodreads. if i could be famous for anything, i would like to be famous for baking/cooking. i also facebooked.
Hi Friend,
I follow you on goodreads and get your blog updates there. This is of the funniest books you have written. It makes me laugh out loud when ever I read it. In my dreams I would be a famous painter.
Can’t wait for Erasing Time!
I’m a follower!
I would like to be famous for my voice or my books or….most definitely…my skills as a spy.
I’d like to be famous for being a good reader. I have impeccable taste ( like in all of your books). I follow.
I’d love to be famous for music, acting, novels, anything! If I was famous for any of my passions I’d be happy.
I would like to be famous for balancing the Federal Budget. 🙂
If I were to pick a way to be famous. . .I’d like it to be for doing something that helped a lot of people. I’d really rather not be famous, though. I rather like my anonymity 🙂
It would be nice if I was famous for my Art. Maybe just a little famous.
I follow you
I want to be a famous author. :] Oh, and I follow you!
famous inventor, singer, dancer, writer, illustrator…
my dreams are big.
i loved the car incident in the book.
I would want to be famous for being an amazing science high school teacher. I love teaching!! I do follow both your blogs…i don’t know if they’re public or private tho.
Can’t wait for Erasing Time!!
Megan, I totally want to be your famous chocolate tasting assistant!!
I’m a follower. 🙂
I would like to be famous for my kindness to others.
I am a GFC follower
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I would like to be famous for my baking! I love to cook and decorate cakes. I would love to have a bakery some day.
I’m a follower
I dont want to be famous, but I really want to read this book!!
I have something to admit; I haven’t read this book yet. *turns away in shame*
I don’t really want to be famous. I do want to make loads of money off one of my books but do I have to be famous to do that?
Thanks for the giveaway! You are the best!
I would love to read the book.