I am temporarily cool
Okay, so the Newbery committee passed on me again. (What were they thinking?) All is not lost though because for the very first Whitney Awards ever, one of my books: How to Take the Ex Out of Ex-boyfriend is a finalist. Yes, I made it in the young adult category. Better yet, Stephenie Meyer and Shannon Hale’s books are in different categories and thus not competition for me. But alas dear reader, the bad news is that I’m still up against four other books, two of which I believe were NYT best sellers. Brandon Sanderson (Alcatraz and the Evil Librarians) and Brandon Mull (Fablehaven) so I doubt I’ll win. Still it’s nice to be a finalist. I’ll actually be in Utah for the awards ceremony on March 22nd so I guess I’ll have to go and it will be just like the Oscars where you see the losers graciously clapping for the winners when you know they really want to cry. I had better take a bunch of chocolate (back up happiness) with me.
Too see all the books listed you can check out the Whitney Awards site at http://whitneyawards.com/finalists.html
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I’ll sit by you and we can eat chocolate together. When you’re called up, I’ll scream and shout, “I knew it! I knew it!”
Janette! That is fantastic news!
I’ll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you, it will make typgjgjdjing nad waldjskkd toggofuchgh, butgh itg wislsls bbe owrth it,.
That’s really good news! Congratulations! (Being nominated for something is totally awesome)
Congratulations! Don’t sell yourself short.
WOW! thats great, im with you janette, I haope you win!
Don’t take too much chocolate, I heard that if you eat 20 pounds of chocolate it will kill you(I may have to watch myself….I think I gotten dangerously close.)
AND Janette, I always thought you were cool!
Eating twenty pounds of chocolate will kill you? Really? I wonder how they found that out?
Death by chocolate . . . not really a bad way to die.
Congratulations on making the Whitney finals. Haven’t read your book, but I’m planning to between now and the awards ceremony.
Congratas You’ll be great! Fabllehaven is good, but i still like your books better. Death by chocolate… I think i’ve eaten more than that
I’m with you, enjoying the moment because I feel sure I won’t be the one winning the award, but its so fun to be here! And I plan to applaud twice as loud when you do in fact take first! Good luck.
Yay, Janette! I’m so happy for you and the other finalists! And ya know, I do get to vote. And I do like chocolate. Just so ya know… 🙂
What’s this temporary nonsense? Don’t you know you’re the great Janette Rallison????? I will be clappin until my hands are sore for you.
Janette, I’m nominated in the same category as you, and I just about soiled myself when I found out I was in company with the likes of you and Brandon and Brandon. I’m still pinching myself because I admire you guys so much.
(So, when you win, can I eat the chocolate?) 😉
I’m sorry to hear about the Newberry. I thought you should definitely win.
I look forward to seeing you in March and don’t give up before the votes are tallied. You’re a fantastic writer!
Utah? Eh? What? And of course you’ll do some kind of public event… right..? March 22nd is my half-birthday so I think you should.
Oh. And congrats. 😉
Pause. Rewind. Play.
Okay! So that’s the LDStorymakers thing (the thing that I unhappily missed last year). Is the award ceremony public? I’ll have to see if I can go to the conference… I never pass up an opportunity to bask in the glory of an author.
Maybe it’s just a hypothesis and it hasn’t been tested yet. although I’m not about to voulenteer for that teat no matter how much free chocolate i get.
1) I may volunteer to test that chocolate hypothesis–you know, depending on how the day goes and
2)Yes the Awards dinner is open to the public but you have to buy a ticket for dinner. If I’m remembering right, they’re 26.00, so apparently it’s going to be something yummy.
26? Hmm… Well I shall certainly [i]try[/i].
I know a couple of guys who can help you with your “competition” situation!
Seriously though, CONGRATS! Great news!
WOW! that’s great, I’m with you Janette, I hope you win!
Glyn Willmoth