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Hmmmm…I wonder why he gave you that particular one? *whistles*
LOL, that is great! Love it.
MMMM not that I think that publishers are evil. . . I mean I’m not even published yet. . . this wont like, ruin my chances will it?
I could say the same thing about critiquers today… but I won’t (since one of them is my sister!) Too funny!
Critiquers are frequently evil . . .unless they agree with me, then they’re brilliant.
I love the cartoon!
Truth can be so subtle sometimes, can’t it? 😉
ha ha ha…that is too funny. So appropriate for you right now. By the way, LOVING My Fair Godmother
That is now my favorite picture ever. Love it
The devil needs a bowtie…
So true . . .
I love this picture! Thanks for sharing it!
I absolutely love your books and your writing! However, I can not find any of your greatly written books anywhere! It makes me really mad becuase you’ve inspired me to read more often instead of watchin tv. I just finished “It’s A Mall World After All” and tonight I want to buy or check out one of your other books but, I can’t find them anywhere! So.. I was wondering if you have an extra copy of your humorous high school books laying around, maybe I could have it. And if you don’t I totally understand.