My Unfair Godmother giveaway along with Assignment to Earth
The countdown to Erasing Time continues! Just . . .um . . .what the heck is today–just 11 more days until the book release. (Hey, I’m in a revisions marathon right now.) Come to Changing Hands on Aug 28th at 7:00 pm to hear me talk about the world in the future and secret signs and cool stuff like that.
Oh, and a note to paperback winners: Your book will probably come to you in a recycled bubble wrap mailer. I’m recycling them because I’m being green, not cheap. Well, okay, actually I’m being cheap too, but think of it as being awesomely green. Instead of the landfill getting my old poofy envelopes–you get them.
Today for the giveaway, I am giving away two–yes two– great books. My long-time writing friend Anne Marie Jenner emailed me and volunteered to give away a copy of her Indie book Assignment to Earth for the blog. (I don’t think Anne will mind me mentioning that this book started out as fan fiction for Battlestar Gallactica. Anne, like me, has an incurable crush on the original Apollo. Mmmm. Richard Hatch.
Now I’m in my happy place . . .) Anyway, so today’s lucky winner will get both that and a copy of My Unfair Godmother
Here’s the fine print: Leaving a comment about something in life that’s unfair will get you one entry, following the blog will get you another. Tweeting about the giveaway will give you one more. Here’s book blurbs:
Assignment Earth
When Captain Skylar gets an assignment to locate a missing scout on the planet Earth, he doesn’t realize his mission will be so complicated. His own ship damaged, finding Rantek is his only way home.
A chance encounter with Lt. Jenna, a stranded Cavalier, leads him to a Klodfon base buried in the sands of the Nevada desert.
Now he has to rescue Rantek and Jenna, escape the base, and warn the Fellowship of the Klodfon presence on Earth…and time is running out, if he doesn’t want to end up stranded himself!
My Unfair Godmother
Tansy Miller has always felt that her divorced father has never had enough time for her. But mistakenly getting caught on the wrong side of the law wasn’t exactly how she wanted to get his attention. Enter Chrysanthemum “Chrissy” Everstar, Tansy’s fairy in shining, er, high heels. Chrissy is only a fair godmother, of course, so Tansy’s three wishes don’t exactly go according to plan. And if bringing Robin Hood to the twenty-first century isn’t bad enough for Tansy, being transported back to the Middle Ages to deal with Rumpelstiltskin certainly is. She’ll need the help of her blended family, her wits, and especially the cute police chief’s son to stop the gold-spinning story from spinning wildly out of control. Janette Rallison pulls out all the stops in this fresh, fun-filled follow-up to the popular My Fair Godmother.
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Unfair: I can’t ever find any cute shoes (size 10) at garage sales or goodwill….there’s always plenty of 8’s, but rarely 10’s! I’m a follower!
I still follow the blog, and it is unfair that… I guess I’ll go with what I said on the other blog. It is unfair that even ‘entry-level’ positions these days want you to have 3-5 years of experience before they’ll hire you. Also, apparently the UN doesn’t count unpaid internships as experience but they won’t pay their interns. One of my friends was complaining about that a while ago.
It’s unfair when people complain about things that don’t really matter in the long run.
Well, I think it is unfair that I was born so late. I missed all the family vacations except a couple. Oh well, Life of the youngest right 🙂
Unfair is the way my college keeps doing things, such as dropping one of my classes, and changing one of my professors without telling any of the students.
It is unfair when I bite into a cookie expecting it to contain chocolate chips and instead end up biting into a raisin.
I am a follower.
I’ve been waiting for this one.
But right, something that’s unfair. Um… it’s unfair that I have siblings who are creative in such a variety of things while my scope is a bit more narrow.
Unfair? It’s unfair that life costs so much…
I’m a follower and tweeted about the giveaway
I’m a follower! My Unfair Godmother is probably my new favorite, I just read it 3 days ago! It’s unfair that my University doesn’t have on campus housing. I also tweeted it here….
You can tell when Janette’s been doing too much blog posting, because she’s left off a full third of my title: Assignment to Earth.
Also, it should be noted that while the two captains, Apollo and Skylar may look like each other, there is no other connection between Battlestar Galactica and Assignment to Earth.
~A M Jenner
Unfair: That senior year starts in three days. Where did my summer go?!?
I’m a follower.
And I tweeted:
Not to be pessimistic or anything, but I seriously believe that everything in life is unfair. But, hey. That’s life.
I follow your blogs!
I think that it would be extremely unfair if I didn’t win this giveaway! I’ve been crossing my fingers for each one and it never happens.
Oh well. At least it’s making other people happy.
I follow your blogs. And you know, I don’t have a Tweet thing or facebook or myspace or any of that, but if I did, I want you to know that I would definitely say somehting about you!
I think it’s unfair when people complain about life not being fair. Because, guess what? I have had my fair share of unfair, and it’s unfair that life isn’t fair, but I don’t rub it in people’s faces.
But I will rub it in your face if I win this giveaway!
Follow your blogs!
I think love triangles are so unfair!
1.Not fair that the girl gets two guys and you can’t even get one.
2.She’s always choosing the stupid one while the perfect one is there, always waiting for her when she doesn’t deserve him.
3.At the end, the stupid one leaves her and she just conveniently runs back to the perfect one. Talk about player and user!
UNFAIR! That’s why I like your books. No stupid love triangles or squares or love shapes whatsoever. Just cute romance.
I follow, of course!
I’m a follower, and I hope I can still enter to win this one even though I won one of your previous entries – I love this book too much to sit idly by 🙂 Something that’s not fair: All the height genes in my family went to someone else besides me and now I can’t reach anything in my cupboards.
I’m a follower, and I hope I can still enter to win this one even though I won one of your previous entries – I love this book too much to sit idly by 🙂 Something that’s not fair: All the height genes in my family went to someone else besides me and now I can’t reach anything in my cupboards.
I’m a follower. :] It’s unfair that people get admitted to college based on race, even when they have worse credentials than another person. Race should not be a deciding factor.
I think it is unfair when gravity just JUMPS into you! I am a FOLLOWER!!!!
I’ts unfair when my library won’t get a book that is out. Or they don’t get it until a month of so after. 🙁 I’m a follower. Sierra
Keep growing beautiful!
The one thing my dad said to me most growing up is “Life’s not fair.” This is because he said it every time I complained about something. I don’t think it’s fair that my husband got a ticket last winter for sliding off the road in the mountains of Colorado because the state doesn’t salt them!
I think it is unfair that there are not enough hours in a day to read!
I am happy to say I am now a follower!
Super unfair that the baby who doesn’t want to be put down now woke up her sister, so I have two crying children instead of the two sleeping children I was hoping for!
I’m a follower. 🙂
as i said on the other blog:
unfair: get punched in the face/arm/leg/anywhere, tell someone else what happened and they don’t believe me.
i REALLY need to start bringing a camera with me places.
unfair #2 but book related: i want a book for my birthday but books are so expensive!!! grrrrr. i’ll probably get something i don’t want or need.
i follow you on google+ and goodreads.
( i really really really want this book!)
It’s unfair that I can’t make it to your book signing. I’ve got a grandbaby not too far from the book store. Multiple unfairness.
I would like to enter the giveaway!
I think it’s unfair, that I can’t find this book were I live 🙁
I follow! very fair.
Unfair:Games of chance! They make you annoyed or REALLY happy. Or mad…
Follower on both blogs.
I’m a follower. It’s unfair that my house is dirty ten minutes after I clean it.
I love Unfair G. Especially Hunter in it! This is the one that the girl has to spin hay into gold, right? Love it.
Follower on twitter: @livvy javen and @mckenziebanner
Follower on JR blog: Kenzie
Follower on CJ blog: Kenzie
Follower on Goodreads: McKenzie Banner