Utah and Arizona announcements–plus more Orlando Bloom
For all of you in Utah and Arizona I have some events coming up. Please come! Because as you know I hate to look bad in front of book store employees.
Saturday June 21st
Barnes and Noble
330 East University Parkway (1300 South.)
Orem, Utah
Book signing from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00
TEEN NOVEL WRITING FOR ADULTS WITH Janette Rallison • 6:30 pm • Are you interested in writing for teens? Janette Rallison, the author of How to Take the Ex Out of Ex-Boyfriend and eight other teen novels, discusses the differences between YA literature and other books. She’ll teach you how to create main characters that will hold teens’ interest, develop story questions, believable motivation, conflict, antagonists and more.
Janette’s novels have been put on various states’ reading lists, as well as YALSA’s Popular Picks lists, and the YA Choices list. Her books have sold over 700,000 copies. COST: $25. Registration and pre-payment required at 480-730-0205.
THURSDAY, JULY 24, 31, August 7
CREATING STORY LINES with Janette Rallison (For ages 12-18) • 3-4:30 pm • Learn about the elements of writing and plot with Janette Rallison, author of thirteen books, nine of which are young adult novels.You’ll learn about point of view and why you need to use it correctly. You’ll also learn about character goals, motivation, and conflict. Thursdays, July 24, 31, August 7, $50 for the series.
You can register by phone or by going to Changing Hands.
Changing Hands
6428 S McClintock Dr
Tempe, AZ 85283
McClintock at Guadalupe
Now you may have noticed that I also said I had more Orlando Bloom stuff. I said this because on the day I published my Orlando Bloom story, I had 170 hits on my blog. This is more hits than I’ve ever had in one day and I imagine it’s because I got Orlando Bloom fans who were googling his name. So with that in mind I’d like to say: Orlando Bloom, Orlando Bloom, Orlando Bloom.
I am not exploiting his name because I really do like him. Hey, how many of his fans write romance novels with him in mind?
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It’s all about page hits! 🙂
I don’t know if this will help you, but here goes.
You are so thoughtful, Golfing librarian!
It’s one of my MANY faults!
you’re too funny Annette!
If saying celeberty naes works does….wait I live in cave, can some one help me out the only celebrity i know is…(barf) *clearing of throat* Zac Efron.
Can someone who does not live in the twentieth century help me think of one?
Wll I’ll just say my favorite character. Mr.Darcy, Mr.Darcy, Mr.Darcy!
SO nice to meet you, Janette. You rock! It’s looking like we’ll be seeing you next Saturday too.
w00t! Maybe I’ll be able to get my hands on RotC by then!
Mr.Darcy, Mr.Darcy!
Wow, i do live in a cave. If mr.darcy was real he would have been dead for like 200 years.(well probably less but its summer so I don’t have to do math.)
Does Fred Astaire work? Aubrey hepburn? Ginger Roberts? John Wayne? Darn, All the great ones are dead. Can anyone believe that i’m a teenager in the twentieth century and I still can’t work a cell phone?
I’m glad to know there are teenagers who can’t work cell phones either. I thought it was something they were all born with these days. I refuse to read that mammoth instruction book that came with my phone.
And yeah, I could say Mr. Darcy’s name over and over again.
My wife repeats Mr. Darcy’s name over and over as well, but its usually at night and only during R.E.M. sleep. Hmmm…I wonder if I should be concerned.
No, don’t be concerned–all women do that.
You can work a cell phone, PLPOC. your the one that put “blueberry muffin” on my phone without me even knowing it. I still have it on my phone, and everyone who uses my phone asks about it
yay!!!! Janette is coming to utah! I will be there!
Hey Janette – Where are you writing workshops located? I read through twice, but it’s late & maybe I missed that bit of info. If so, just send a mental bop on the head my way! 🙂
Changing Hands Book store in Tempe, Arizona. The address is on the blog.
Hope to see you there!
My aunt went to lunch with you on tuesday of some days ago and said you mentioned worshops
The BYU writers workshops? That’s what I’m doing now. (Well, actually I’m checking email, but in general that’s why I’m here in Provo.)
Ohhh–I think you’re talking about the workshops at Changing Hands, right? The info is on my blog.
A message from my mother: “I’m not avoiding you!”
My bad. I thought your signing went from 2-5 on Saturday, not 2-3. I had work from 1-4!
Much love, Janette. And we’re really sorry we missed you.
Lately, the boy character I’m envisioning in my love story novel is James McAvoy. Say what you want, but he’s still fine in my mind. 😉
I’m so glad that I got the chance to meet you at the BYU writing conference; you are fabulous! My sister is jealous I got to meet you in “real life” and now I’m regretting not getting pictures of the blessed event so I can brag further. 🙂 However, I know she’ll love the autographed book, so there you go!
Thanks for being so great. I’m loving your books and I’m learning a lot just by reading them (you know, all that talk about PoV and voice and stuff). So, yay!
Hope to see you next year. 🙂
I would love to come again next year. It was really that much fun!