What’s coming next
Is there life after Slayers? Well, my kids are still buying me dragon things for Christmas, so maybe not. (And I still need to tweak some typos/little things in several of the books, so it still doesn’t feel like I’m done.) But I’ve had grandkids here since mid-December so I’m not getting a lot done. (I’m using my storytelling skills playing LOL dolls with my granddaughter, though.)
But I do have 100 pages done on a cowboy romance. So there’s that to look forward to. Just saying.
Oh yeah, and my son has a book coming out on March 17th and I’ve been helping him with that. The book is adorable, and it will sell way more copies than mine. No really, these are happy tears I’m crying.
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Cute grandkids! And congratulations on your son’s book.
“Is there life after Slayers? Well, my kids are still buying me dragon things for Christmas, so maybe not. (And I still need to tweak some typos/little things in several of the books, so it still doesn’t feel like I’m done.) ”
LOL and then suddenly a sequel series pops into existence a while later XD
I do miss writing about the Slayers…but not enough to write another book yet.
I think so! And I hope my son writes many more books.