A bucket list for my posterity
We all have bucket lists with a lot of dream items. For example, going to Egypt is on my bucket list. And those sorts of goals are good, but as I was thinking about the subject, I realized that if I was making a list for my posterity, it would have different sorts of goals. So then I made a list for the grandlings and all the other spawn. Here it is. Hopefully you’ve already done a lot of these.
Save a life (by donating blood, or donating money to a humanitarian group, or some other way)
Have a family
Love an animal, even though you know you will lose it
Have you’re heart broken and love again anyway
Be discouraged but continue to do what needs to be done
Develop at least one talent
Create something that wasn’t on the earth until you got here
Help someone–do something for them that they can’t do for themselves
Stand up for something
Go to an art gallery
Listen to a seashell
Wear sequins at least once
Listen to an Italian sing about love
Write a poem
Sing in public
Build a snowman
See the autumn leaves and collect one
Have a white Christmas
Go caroling
Swim in the ocean
Keep a journal—write at least 100 entries
Make a Valentine
Be in a play
Learn a dance
Give a talk in church
Sew something/tie a quilt
Visit the country of your ancestors
Ride a rollercoaster
Go to a formal dance
Ask someone on a date
Watch The Nutcracker
Visit Williamsburg
Visit the Grand Canyon
Visit the Redwood Forest
Visit Arizona and see the Saguaro cactus
Go Skiing
Go sledding
Listen to Pachelbel’s Canon in D
Memorize a hymn
Wish on a star
Ride a horse
Run on the beach
Contemplate whether modern art is really art
Throw a coin in a wishing well
Blow on a dandy lion
Make a dandy lion chain
Make a birthday cake
Watch the good musicals and sing along with their songs
Watch It’s a Wonderful Life
Read all of my books because hey, Grandma/Great Grandma/Great Great Grandma wrote those
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Your last one’s my favorite! lol
Got to promote myself…