Writing Class
Hey, for any of you around the Casa Grande area, I’m going to do a writing class on May 30th. Here’s the vital info:
Writing a Young Adult Novel?
Get the Foundation Right: Point of View, Plot, and Characterization With Janette Rallison, Author of Books for Young Adults
Saturday, May 30, 2009
10:00 AM to 2:30 PM
Holiday Inn – Canyon Room
777 N Pinal Avenue
Casa Grande, Arizona 85222
Writing a young adult novel? Learn how to use the most important building blocks of fiction: point of view, plotting, and characterization. Did you know that 90% of the manuscripts in publishers’ slush piles have point of view problems and as a result, are immediately rejected? Don’t let your novel be one of them. Learn about point of view and how to use it effectively. Also, find out how to save time and effort in the revising stages by setting up your plot and characters right the first time around.
Janette Rallison is the award winning author of 15 novels and has sold over 800,000 books, including Fame, Glory, and Other Things on My To Do List IRA Young Adults’ Choices List 2007 and It’s a Mall World After AllIRA Young Adults’ Choices List 2008.
Most of her books are romanticcomedies because there is enough angst in real life, but there Is a drastic shortage on both humor and romance. She lives in Chandler, Arizona with her husband, five kids, and enough cats to classify her as eccentric. Some of her other titles include My Fair Godmother, Just One Wish, and How to Take the Ex Out of Ex-Boyfriend.
Registration is limited.
For more information, contact Michelle Parker-Rock at
RegionalAdvisor at scbwi-az.org
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Oh why is Arizona so far away from Illinois?
It’s even further from Oregon. *sigh* Oh, and… um, I didn’t know your book was called ‘My Fair Grandmother’ XD
How many cats qualifies for eccentricity? 🙂 I was just wondering. Wish I lived closer. I’d sign up for your class. It would make stalking easier. 😉
he he…normally I would be beside myself in frustration because I couldn’t go…but I get to see you in JUNE! OH glorious BYU. I can hardly stand how excited I am.
Yikes, that will teach me to cut and paste things from SCBWI. Maybe it’s payback for all of the times I’ve referred to the group as SCWBI. (Which really, is close enough.)
And see you soon,Erin!
Wish I could go!! Have fun!
Interesting you should mention point of view. I’m reading a YA book, which I shall not name, and the point of view is all over the place. I can’t figure out whose POV it is half the time, and this makes the book so confusing I don’t even want to read it. I’m trying, because my friend lent it to me, but I don’t even want to, just because of that one flaw.
That’s why skimming was invented. It’s gotten me through many bad books.
Oh, and the cats number five. (Which is about three cats past normal.) But I’ve given away six. My yard is a stray cat magnet.
We have… wait, we actually do have two, but we used to have three. We would still have the third, except she kept on bringing LIVE presents into the house, and the last one took several days to find (it ended up being inside mechanics in the freezer, not in the cold part). She’s at my grandparent’s house now, with plenty of critters to hunt and a lot of land to roam on.