And the description winners are:

I have to say this was a really hard call. You guys wrote a ton of great description: delicious dips in his throat, muscles, cheesecake, sunlight tinging off his teeth, and Pluto the not-a-planet. I could go on, but you guys probably read the descriptions yourself.

The next time I have to describe an attractive person I will peruse through your comments looking for material. (I did warn you I would do that.) But the judges have spoken (At least one of them did–the other one’s wife just had a baby so I’m cutting him some slack, but if he ever gets back to me there might be one more winner.)

Anyway, Jesslyn and Kimberly send me your mailing addresses at jrallisonfans at yahoo dot com and let me know which of my books you want. (With the exception of My Double Life–which still isn’t out, but I’ll do a giveaway for that book as soon as I get my author copies.)

(Wow, the parentheses are just flying in this post. It’s obviously time for bed.)


  1. Kimberly
    May 6, 2010 at 8:09 am

    I am tickled pink (or some shade thereof). Thank you so much Janette!

    I confess, I went back to the original post and scanned through all the entries to see if there was another Kimberly. Having a common name is quite irksome sometimes.

    Thanks again!

  2. Jesslyn
    May 19, 2010 at 6:23 am

    Yay!! Thank you! I’m flattered 🙂

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