Book launch photos and fairy visitors
It always cracks me up to see pictures of myself while I’m presenting. I’m sure these facial expressions made sense at the time, but looking at them after the fact, you have to wonder what I was saying.
Here I am clearly explaining just how the eensy weensy spider got up the water spout.
Anyway, it all went well and I met lots of awesome people. Here are some:
And of course all the cool fairys dropped by.
And this is, of course, how I will be writing my next novel–by magic wand.
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Yeah, I’ve got some doozies of myself on google images! At least it’s obvious you were having big fun.
Congrats on your release! Wish I could have been there. 🙂
Oh, you make me laugh. Congrats on your book release! I can’t wait to read it!
Looked like it was lots of fun=) Thanks for the awesome giveaways! You are amazing!
Aw shucks, that looked like an awesome time, so sad I missed it 🙁 Congrats! I can’t wait to read it (and the next one :p hint hint)!
I read How to Take the Ex out of Ex-Boyfriend (the one I won–still can’t believe it) and reviewed it a couple days ago. If you want to read my raving *cough* review of it here’s the link: Hope you can stop by!! Luv ur blog!
Awesome review, Lulu! You’re brilliant!
I would like to please borrow your magic wand when you’re done.
That sound like it was really fun!
I got my book today! Thank you so much! I still can’t believe that I actually won! 🙂
Just finished My unfair godmother and loved it!! Just wondering how many more books are going to be with this fairy? I can’t wait for the next book. 🙂
Are you going to be writing any more novels with Chrissy as the fairyy? I hope soo! i absolutley looved the Unfair Godmotherr!
I LOVED getting a package in the mail from you today 🙂 CONGRATS on your newest book. I forced, um, suggested my library add it to their collection.
Thanks, Taffy! Now I just need about ten thousand more people like you . . .
And I do plan on writing at least one more godmother book, and perhaps two, but I haven’t started the third one yet.
You say eensy weensy! I always feel like an oddball because everyone else seems to say itsy bitsy. I grew up with eensy weensy.
That was such a fun night!! (You were supposed to clip that photo and eliminate all fluffy bellies)!! Oh well. sigh. LOVE you, Janette! You’re AWESOME!
Cant believe I missed the book release. I love your books. I told are city libary that they should get your books. Can’t wait till your next book release.