Comicon, where else can you chat with the Grim Reaper
Friday and Saturday I did panels at the Phoenix Comicon. I’ve got to say, it was a memorable experience. Here I am chatting with the Grim Reaper. Turns out that Grim is a fan. Who knew, right? I guess even Death needs a laugh once in awhile.
Here I am with my fairy wings, getting ready for my panel on the fair folk with awesome authors, Janni Lee Simner and Aprilynne Pike. Great panel and pretty well attended considering it was at the same time as William Shatner’s panel. (It never fails; whenever I teach at a conference, my class falls at the same time as a class I want to go to.) But this is what made my outfit extra awesome. Author and jewelry maker Shelia Nielson made me a Chrysanthemum Everstar fairy necklace. Here is a closer view of it:
And if you’re reading this before midnight Sunday night head on over to her blog because she’s giving away a really cool mermaid necklace to go with her book Forbidden Sea. (I’m already jealous of whoever wins it.)
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That photo of you and Grim cracks me up! One of these days I want to attend a conference where people dress up. I may just be tempted to put on a costume myself.
I was wearing my wings for part of the time. You wouldn’t think I would have felt conspicuous among Wonder Women and zombies, but I still did.
Pure. Awesomeness.
Hmmm…never been to Comicon, but your panel DEFINITELY sounds more interesting than listening to the narcissistic schpiels of “Rocketman”…
Nice. You look like an award winner sitting there. Roll in the trophies!
Thats what I call a real greeting smile,not the fake smiles from some celebs I see on the internet and read about from disappointed fans. Bet you gave a good impression on Grim.
Pity you didnt see Captain Kirk himself. He seems like a cool dude.
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