National Author Day
It’s that festive time of year when everyone rushes to take down their Halloween stuff and put up their National Author Day decorations. Yes, pull out your Mark Twain centerpieces, your Jane Austen wreathes, and those life-size twinkly Bronte Sisters for the yard. Then let’s all sing a few Thank-goodness-we’re-not-in-school-anymore-so-we-don’t-have-to-read-Hemingway-again carols.
And don’t forget to send me your Author Day gifts. Remember, you can’t go wrong with precious gems.
Special note to my husband: really, we’ve been married for 21 years so you ought to know by now that you can’t buy Almond Joys, Snickers, or peanut M&Ms for trick-or-treaters and expect that they will ever see Halloween Night if I’m in the house. This is why you must buy the type of candy I don’t like. I didn’t touch the Whoppers.
There are obviously a lot of princesses at our house.
My oldest son wanted to be a vampire for Halloween. This is what happens when the girls at school start calling you ‘Edward.’
Aren’t they sooo cute?
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Thats so funny. Yes, Give out the Not-so-good candy first and hope you don’t have to give out the chocolate. National Authors Day…
If i could just get my brothers to belive me.
Perfect. We are having our book club tonight and will be talking about the Whitney awards. Now I can tell them it is National Author Day as well.
Not a single card, gift, spa package or anything. Humph. Some holiday.I will chant with you however, though I’ll take Hemingway over the English ladies any day 🙂
I’ll be sending some pixel gifts your way, then! After all, it’s the thought that counts, right?
Yes dear. Thank goodness you haven’t found the dark chocolate. That’s my treat :-p
Techno Bob
PS: Happy Author’s day. Your books are way better than those Bronte chicks.
That’s what you think . . . I will find the chocolate . . .
I luv luv luv your outfit, Janette!
Fun blog, and what you suggest we do with Halloween candy is how I feel about books:let me at least taste (or eat the whole thing) before I give it to you!
Yes, and books have fewer calories . . .
I’m glad to see you have a blog that you keep up! I look forward to checking it often. 🙂
Your family is beautiful- and I love your costume for halloween.
Happy Author’s day!! I was out of town for the holidays and just got back. Unfortunately, the people tending my kids ate all the leftover halloween candy. I didn’t even get the customary troll toll I make my kids pay when they bring home their haul for the night. I so missed out!
Don’t worry–the Halloween candy is on sale at the stores. I know because I’ve just eaten way too much of it.
Looks like you had a good time on Halloween. So did I. I went as Storm. I posted about it today. Be sure to check it out.
What’s all this talk of chocolate…