
And the windows need to be cleaned too . . .

Have you ever wondered what authors did in-between books? Right now I’m waiting for revisions on Revenge of the Cheerleaders. I walked into Home Depot and suddenly became Martha Stewart. “I can do that project, and that one, oh, and…

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Forget reading faces

You can tell a lot by reading faces, but why bother? In my case, you can learn everything about what’s going on in my life simply by taking a glance at my fingernails. Are they long with colored polish? Things…

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The downside of being friends with an editor

I’m not sure how much editors get paid, but maybe it’s not the pay that they’re interested in anyway. I think people become editors because they secretly wanted to be movie stars. When my editor at Penguin, Tim Travaglini, came…

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Attack of the Wall Street Journal

Those of you who aren’t avid Wall Street Journal readers may have missed the article they ran on July 7th called, Literary Losers. Now normally you’d have to read a book before you can review it effectively, but those folks…

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Blond Characters

Someone just commented on the fact that my books have a lot of blond main characters. I guess this is true. Samantha in All’s Fair in Love, War, and High School, Cami in Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Free…

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Revision Heck

Okay, I know the title sounds silly, but I don’t swear. Doing revisions tempt me, however. A lot. I would like to take this opportunity to represent oppressed authors everywhere and just scream at the top of my lungs. Cover…

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The joy of revisions

My editor just sent me the third set of revisions for upcoming (June 2007) How to Take the Ex Out of Ex-Boyfriend. I got the package yesterday and coincidentally decided to give up writing and raise ponies instead. It would…

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New York City–Pro’s and Con’s

Hello Blogworld! I’m back from my trip to New York. I went to drop off my 18 year old daughter to an internship at Putnam. (You can see her blog here) Now she’s off all by herself–well I mean she’s…

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Burning Your Bridges

While I was on vacation my husband, Guy, gave me the news that Alec Guiness had died. Guy then read a little blurb from the newspaper about Alec’s talent and distinguished acting career. I said, “I wonder if it will…

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Reflecting On Stephen King

Several of you, I know, saw the title to this article and thought, “Gee, I didn’t know Stephen King had a reflection.” First of all, it is only vampires, not horror story novelists, that don’t have reflections, and second of…

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  • A Longtime (and at one point illegal) Crush
  • Blue Eyes and Other Teenage Hazards