Slayers 5 New Year’s resolutions
First off, my file became corrupted (Who out there is corrupting vulnerable young files?) and I lost a week’s worth. And then I couldn’t work on the manuscript for a day because I felt so sick about losing a week’s worth. Could I have backed it up and saved myself all of this? Do I usually back it up and never need the backup? Yeah–that’s why I was so upset.
Anyway, first draft should be done soon and then it will go out to beta readers. But here is my resolutions regarding the book.
I will not paint any rooms, cabinets, or anything else in my house until I finish the first draft of this manuscript. Even though, trust me, it really needs it.
I will not organize any closets, despite the fact that I’ve seen two episodes of the Netflix series Tidying Up and have a sudden desire to go through them.
I will not watch any TV or Movies (unless I’m on the treadmill) until the manuscript is winging it’s way to the beta readers
I will not cook any meals that take more than 45 minutes to prepare until I’ve typed The End.
And I won’t clean my bathroom…or maybe that’s going too far…Any chance I could convince my husband that he needs to do it?
Maybe this whole not doing housework thing could work out for me…
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Haha! Very relatable. Also, I’ve really enjoyed the Tidying Up show too!
I hope your rewrite comes easier than it did the first time, and I hope you had plenty of chocolate to nurse your wounded writer spirit. Nothing hurts worse than all that effort gone to waste. So sorry you had to go through that. 🙁
I should add to that list…won’t clear off my desk, won’t clean the fridge…
But that show does make you look around your house and want to get rid of a bunch of stuff.
Oh no!!! So so sorry about the lost files. I feel sick for you too! Good luck with getting the first draft done. And holler if you ever need more beta readers. 😉
I’m back to where I was and have done a little beyond. Progress, but it’s been slow going.
I can’t wait for the sequel! XD
Oh no! That’s no way to start the new year! All that lost work! I’m sorry!
I’m afraid to watch that show because I’m already having the “itch” to get rid of things. If I watch, will we be down to one utensil each and a chair? Watching Hoarders gives me the “get back to basics itch”.
I hope things are a little more easy going now for you! Good luck!
Hello! Just finished book 4. Such a great series, please tell me when the last book is coming out. I can’t handle the wait! What happens next?
I’m working on the last of the beta readers’ revisions notes right now. When I’m done with that, it will go to copyedits. I think pretty soon I’ll start putting up chapters on my website, so watch for that.
Which ending would you personally prefer to happen Jesse or Dirk?
Like many of the readers, I’m torn. I always planned for her to end up with Jesse. He’s the one fighting to protect the country. He’s selfless. And Dirk is one of the villains. But as I write, I always start to agree with my villains. I’m not sure what that says about me. As I wrote the third book, it occurred to me that Dirk is actually the main character of this story. He’s the one that has to make the hard decisions. He’s the one who has to change the most. And he’s integral to the climax. So it seems like he deserves the girl.
Choose which one you like, and don’t read the other, or it won’t feel real. (Which is my problem. I feel like every time I switch endings I’m lying.)