Category: Slayers
research, sky-diving style
I hate getting details wrong in my books. This may not be entirely apparent since I have more than once gotten details wrong in my books, but I really do a ton of research. In Slayers: Friends and Traitors (due…Tourist sites: the good, the bad, and the creepy
I just got back from Disneyland and it’s made me think about tourist sites in general and why we pack up our suitcases, pull out our wallets, and head off to see things. Some places are definitely worth the trouble,…Writing—it’s sort of like budgeting
Time and money never add up like I think they should. I’m always amazed at the amount of money my family spends. It seems like we should have lots of moeny left over at the end of the month, and yet we…The art of mothering during revisions part one
When I say there’s an art to mothering during revisions, the art I’m talking about is the equivalent of those modern art statues you see which resemble tangled coat hangers, or giant erasers, or someone’s pile of recyclable milk cartons. You know…Editing mistakes–or: Why, yes, my character does have super powers
Before I published my first book, my editor told me there would be mistakes in it. “No matter how hard we try,” she said. “There’s no such thing as a perfect book.” At the time I didn’t realize how right…Creepiest kids’ toys
Okay, on first glance, cute pink-haired Lalaloopsy doesn’t seem creepy–that is unless you’ve read the book Coraline or seen the movie. Because the evil-scary-bad people have those exact same button eyes. Creepiest thing ever! (Shudders just thinking about it.) Don’t…New Year’s Writing Resolutions
It’s that time when we all start thinking about New Year’s resolutions. I’ve come up with ten writing goals. I might be able to keep nine of them. 1) Learn how to spell hors d’oeuvres so I don’t have to…Your questions answered, plus a really cute dog
Want to win a copy of Slayers? Free Book Friday is giving away three copies. vs Tamerlane
Every once in awhile someone asks me why I made the dragons in Slayers vicious animals instead of magical best friends. It’s not that I don’t like the friendly, loyal dragons from Eragon. If I was allowed to have one…Stay In The Loop
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- Slayers
- A Longtime (and at one point illegal) Crush
- Blue Eyes and Other Teenage Hazards