This cartoon pretty much sums up revisions
Yeah, I’m back to revising . . . and eating cookies . . .
Continue Readingwriting gaffes
As I sit here waiting for the UPS man to bring me my latest manuscript so I can wade through my editor’s revision comments, I am reminded of the many bloopers I’ve inadvertently written into early drafts. I had a…
Continue ReadingThe difference between hay and straw and why you should know
Actually, you don’t need to know the difference between hay and straw, and I’m hoping you think they’re interchangeable. That way you won’t notice the glaring mistakes in the ARC of My Unfair Godmother. So call me a city girl—I’ve…
Continue ReadingMy top ten writing tips
Here’s an article I did for WriteOnCon about staying power: I used to think that having a book published was an approval stamp of my writing ability—like having stores carry my novel meant I had mastered the craft. Ah, what…
Continue ReadingI stand corrected
The cover of my book, Playing the Field, has always bothered me, because as I told the Bow-Tied one long ago, “People don’t stand that way.” I mean, really, have you ever stood there contemplating something with your hand on…
Continue ReadingWhy writers shouldn’t write warning signs
Ahh, but I really wanted to prance across the plants . . .
Continue ReadingHow you know it’s summer in Phoenix
Your cats shed a lot. Yeah, she looks innocent, but she has ulterior motives for wanting to be petted. Honestly, this cat creates fur clouds every summer.
Continue ReadingFact checking in the real world–why authors can’t ever really leave work behind
I’ve been vacationing in Oregon and Utah, both of which have way better weather than Arizona has right now. I didn’t mean to work at all, but the problem (or benefit, depending on how you look at it) is that…
Continue ReadingMorals and values in YA lit, or Janette should really get more sleep before she opens her mouth
A couple of weeks ago, my friend (and super author) Shannon Hale asked for my opinion on a blog she was doing on morals and values in young adult books. Shannon, like a lot of authors, says she doesn’t think…
Continue ReadingMy Unfair Godmother–weigh in on the cover
As my entripid followers know, one of the books I’ve been working on recently is the sequel to My Fair Godmother. I thought I’d unveil the cover. (Release date: JanuFebuaryish 2011) Cool, huh? It was so considerate of to…
Continue ReadingThe Red Carpet launch
In case you missed the big event of the year, I had a fab red carpet launch at Changing Hands. This is the dress I picked up at thrift store when I realized . . . Oh, red carpet means…
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