I always suspected as much
I have often asserted that anything would taste good if it was dipped in chocolate first. Really, you could take a pair of old shoelaces, cover them in peanuts and carmel with a dark chocolate coating and instant: Mmmmmmm. I…
Continue ReadingFashion and the author
I admit that I’m a fashion dropout. This is one of the perks of being an author. You can hang out in your pajamas flipping popcorn into your mouth while you work. What could be better? But I do have…
Continue ReadingI’m coming to the Tempe Library this Saturday
No this isn’t an announcement of my next run to the library to check out books. I’m doing one of my school visit presentations at the Tempe Public Library at 3:00, Saturday, September 27th. I’d love to see any and…
Continue ReadingIf you’ve ever felt like you couldn’t compete with super models, read this:
I was all set to post a blog about fashion and the average author (some of you may think that’s an oxymoron) but last night I was at a talk that just blew me away, so I have to blog…
Continue ReadingThe good school visits
I thought to balance the last story of Alene’s bad school visit, I’d blog about a good one. The problem: I’ve had so many good visits that it’s hard to choose just one. There was Shepherd Junior High in Mesa,…
Continue ReadingGuest blogger: the bad school visits
I’m on a list with some other authors and the subject of school visits came up. First off, I want to say that 99% of all the school visits I’ve done have been great. The teachers have been wonderful and…
Continue ReadingI’ve made it! . . . well, sort of . . .
Okay, remember how I said in a blog long ago that I would know I’d made it when Mattel created a Barbie doll of one of my characters? Well, I was flipping through my latest Barbie doll catalog and low…
Continue ReadingNew releases
Here are my new babies due out early next year. Neither of them is dedicated to Orlando Bloom or his dog.
Continue ReadingNew releases
Here are my new babies to be released early next year. Neither of them are named Orlando
Continue ReadingHow to make an impression on a panel
So I just got back from the children’s book panel at Changing Hands. There was a nice crowd, good questions, and fun people on the panel with me. Afterward as I sat chatting with people and signing books I felt…
Continue ReadingEvent tonight at Changing Hands
Okay, granted, I know I should have posted this announcement um, sooner than four hours before the event. But if you happen to be in the Tempe, Arizona area and you want to write for kids, here’s a free event…
Continue ReadingI suspected as much
I’ve always said that anything would taste good if you covered it in chocolate first. Seriously, I bet chocolate covered shoe laces would be yummy–especially if you added some carmel. I had a friend come and visit me from Russia.…
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- Slayers
- A Longtime (and at one point illegal) Crush
- Blue Eyes and Other Teenage Hazards