Vote for the Worst Pickup Lines Used as Song Lyrics
Once again it’s time for The Enrique Iglesias Memorial Worst Pickup Lines Used as Song Lyrics Award!
I have to say that this year there are a lot of contenders so it will be hard to pick just one.
Locked Away by R. City featuring Adam Levine
If I got locked away
And we lost it all today
Tell me honestly would you still love me the same?
If I showed you my flaws
If I couldn’t be strong
Tell me honestly would you still love me the same?
I don’t blame the song writer for wanting to know if his girlfriend would still love him even if he lost all his money. And yeah, we all need to know if our significant other is in the relationship for the long haul. But the lyrics: If I got locked away and we lost it all today, seem more like a confession of eminent arrest rather than a profession of love. I think the correct question to ask is: what did this guy do, and where did he put the body?
Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift
And when we’ve had our very last kiss
My last request is
Say you’ll remember me
Standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset, babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks
Say you’ll see me again even if it’s just in your wildest dreams
Wildest dreams
I love Taylor Swift’s music. If I was stranded on that proverbial desert island with only one singer, it would be Taylor Swift. I never get tired of her songs. Plus I don’t think she would kill me in my sleep and eat me. I can’t say the same for some rappers.
Taylor has perhaps had a rocky road where relationships are concerned, but it seems like she’s jumping the gun to write a pre-break up song. I mean, those lyrics have got to make a guy feel secure about their relationship. He’s wondering if it’s true love and she’s already got requests for him after she’s long gone.
Talk Dirty by Jason Derulo
Been around the world, don’t speak the language
But your booty don’t need explaining
All I really need to understand is
When you talk dirty to me
Talk dirty to me
Talk dirty to me
Talk dirty to me
The rest of the lyrics to this song are so graphic that if I print them, I’ll be blocked from all decent people’s computers. In fact, these lyrics are bad enough that I may have to change the name of this award from The Enrique Iglesias Memorial Award to The Jason Derulo What Were You Thinking Award.
Um Jason, I think you’d have a better chance of picking up classy women with the line: “Talk literature to me.” Or “Talk stocks and investments to me.” Or pretty much anything else. Maybe just, “Talk to me.” What you’re going to pick up with these lyrics is an assortment of social diseases.
I Can’t Feel My Face by The Weeknd
I can’t feel my face when I’m with you, but I love it, but I love it
I can’t feel my face when I’m with you, but I love it, but I love it
And I know she’ll be the death of me, at least we’ll both be numb
And she’ll always get the best of me, the worst is yet to come
All the misery was necessary when we’re deep in love
This I know, yes I know, and I know
This is perhaps the weirdest song I’ve heard in a long time. I’m not sure whether these lyrics are supposed to be compliment or a plea for medical help. Personally, if a guy said this to me, I’d call 911.
Marvin Gaye by Charlie Puth
Let’s Marvin Gaye and get it on
You got the healing that I want
Just like they say it in the song
Until the dawn, let’s Marvin Gaye and get it on
We got this king size to ourselves
Don’t have to share with no one else
Don’t keep your secrets to yourself
I love the melody of this song, but the lyrics are just too creepy. Why would you say, “Hey look, we don’t have to share this king size bed with anyone else”?
Who does Charlie usually share it with and where are they now?
As far as using Marvin Gaye’s name as a verb–well, if your name has become a euphemism for (what phrase can I use that won’t get me blocked?) for doing it, then maybe your life was misspent. Just saying.
Feelings by Maroon 5
And you say that it’s not right
But where does he think you are tonight?
Does he know your nasty side . . .
If you want me, take me home and let me use you
I know he doesn’t satisfy you like I do . . .
I got these feelings for you
And I can’t help myself no more
Can’t fight these feelings for you
No, I can’t help myself no more I, I, I
You and me let’s go all night
Going so high, we f*** the sky
Come with me now, f*** that guy
Ah Adam Levine, no other artist has ever sung two songs that were nominated at the same time. Although in all fairness, that may be because the radio doesn’t play that many Jason Derulo songs.
So, where do I start with these lyrics?
You know, I’m not even going to touch the whole calling a girl ‘nasty’ issue, and I’m not going to bring up the fact that women don’t want to be used, they want to be loved. I won’t delve into the tastelessness of using the F bomb in song lyrics. I’m just going to point out that your usage of the F word is inconsistent and therefore confusing. Is the term supposed to be a good thing (first usage) or a bad thing (second usage)? Because, yeah, those lyrics make absolutely no sense. Plus the first usage makes for a really bizarre visual image.
Okay blog readers, vote for the song that you think deserves the award the most! (And feel free to nominate other deserving songs.)
To see other years’ nominees you can check out these blogs:
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Man, so many good (bad) contenders this year! Makes me wonder what our world is coming to. My vote is Maroon Five. I used to like them, but now everything they do is so raunchy I always have to change the station.
My thoughts exactly. I love Maroon 5’s Sugar song. And the video is so darling, but yeah, the last two songs they’ve released make me change the station.
I vote for the Charlie Puth song because of the name into verb thing. Hate those other nasty songs that use women. That is NOT love. I’ve been informed that the “I can’t feel my face” is actually about cocaine. Then the lyrics make a little more sense.
What says love more than a cocaine addiction? For sure the guy that sings those lyrics is a keeper.
I vote for all of them!!! They are all horrible. Glad I don’t listen to any of them.
You have chosen some great contenders. I’m happy to say I don’t recognize the lyrics to any of these songs but my 13 y.o. has. *shudder* I’d have to vote that they are all equally horrible and if my daughter dated anyone who write or liked the lyrics to these kinds of songs, I’d put her in a convent (and I’m not Catholic)
I think Talk Dirty by Jason Derulo was the worst
I vote “Talk Dirty To Me” by Jason DeRulo. On a scale from 1-10, I would be 100% mortified if that song came on in front of my mother or younger sister.
I know, I’m trying to imagine what his mother thinks of the song. Can’t picture that conversation.
I can’t make a decision. The tamest is Taylor Swifts. So I’ll knock her out of the running. And believe it or not I’ll knock Jason’s out too because – well, I think that’s just the kind of music it is and as excruciating as it is, it’s probably supposed to be. Love Maroon 5, don’t love the lyrics or the f bombs. But I have to give it to I Can’t Feel My Face because not only is the subject matter bad, and the belief that not being able to feel your face is sexy, and that misery is a good thing, but the poetry aspect of it is so terrible. On literary alone it wins. (not that talk dirty to me said several times is any better).
I Can’t feel My Face is my personal favorite! I don’t actually like the song… it’s SO ridiculous! My brothers and I always laugh at it when it comes on, haha. But I think my vote is going to Jason WhatsHisFace. Ick.
I have to vote for Maroon 5, although none of them would really give me the warm-romantic-fuzzies…
Feelings with Talk Dirty a close second. Blech.
Love the idea of poking fun at these worse than terrible lyrics. I’m going to vote for Maroon 5 because not only does it contain the idea that people can’t control themselves but I love how you pointed out that the way they used the F-word makes no sense. I broke my wrist and was trying to find some new shows to watch but am stuck with reruns because of the F-word. Back reading Your blog however, has been good for a few laughs so thank you. An please excuse left-hand typos or awkward wording.
Thanks for the comment! I hope your hand feels better soon!
I vote Talk Dirty, because that does not seem like it should pick up any women, just STDs.
My vote is for Talk Dirty.
Let’s all give Can’t Feel My Face a pass because a wise and trusted source (some seventeen year old dude on twitter) assured me that The Weekend is in fact serenading a beautiful dentist.
Taylor Swift gets a pass – at least her lyrics aren’t downright crass and profane. The rest is a three way tie between Talk Dirty, Charlie Pugh, and Maroon 5. I guess beer goggles and drug induced euphoria can make anything sound good. That’s the only explanation I’ve got for those three attempts at “romantic” lyrics.