Category: Erasing Time
The art of mothering during revisions part one
When I say there’s an art to mothering during revisions, the art I’m talking about is the equivalent of those modern art statues you see which resemble tangled coat hangers, or giant erasers, or someone’s pile of recyclable milk cartons. You know…Erasing Time book launch and Book Trailer
Hey Reading Aficionados,My new release, Erasing Time comes out August 28th! You can buy it any of your finer bookstores. (If your local one doesn’t carry it, tell them they won’t qualify as a finer bookstore until they order it,…My Unfair Godmother giveaway along with Assignment to Earth
The countdown to Erasing Time continues! Just . . .um . . .what the heck is today–just 11 more days until the book release. (Hey, I’m in a revisions marathon right now.) Come to Changing Hands on Aug 28th at…Erasing Time countdown and book a day giveaway
In completely unrelated news, we are having the most amazing lightning storm in Arizona right now. It’s like a strobe light outside. And yet I couldn’t convince any of my family to get out of bed and go sit outside…Erasing Time countdown a book a day giveaway
Welcome to another day of my giveaway. This is probably the longest I’ve gone on this blog without mentioning chocolate. I hope you’all don’t feel deprived. Anyway, it’s only sixteen more days until Erasing Time comes out. You can buy…Erasing Time countdown–book-a-day giveaway
It’s almost 1:00 in the morning–but hey, I remembered to pick today’s book winners. Which means we’re off to a promising start! The count-down to Aug 28th is on its way. Next up will be Just One Wish (because someone…What I’m doing now
You’d think that after writing twenty plus novels it wouldn’t be hard anymore. Maybe it wouldn’t be if I kept writing the same novel over and over again. (Hey it worked for Barbara Cartland . . .) But unfortunately I…Erasing Time–the cover is finally final.
Notice any differences? I didn’t. (Which is why I’m lousy at all of those picture games where you’re supposed to find six differences in what appear to be two identical pictures.) Anyway, I’m very happy with it. It’s an awesome…New Year’s Writing Resolutions
It’s that time when we all start thinking about New Year’s resolutions. I’ve come up with ten writing goals. I might be able to keep nine of them. 1) Learn how to spell hors d’oeuvres so I don’t have to…Erasing Time Cover preview
I removed the cover at the request of my publisher (I still love it) I love this cover. It may be my all time favorite. (Although My Unfair Godmother is a close second.) I know I shouldn’t say things like…Stay In The Loop
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