
When not to give up

There are many times and legitimate reasons why a writer stops writing. After I had twins, for example, I didn’t write a whole lot. Ditto for when I was pregnant and throwing up. My muse had traveled to happier places…

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Slayers 3 update

I get asked at least once a week, sometimes in person, and frequently by my mother, when the next Slayers book will be out. So I thought I’d make an official update. The good news is that I’m on about…

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Writer’s brain and my brush with the law

Last week my husband and I drove to another state to drop our daughter off at college. About halfway through the trip, we stopped at one of those gas station/convenience stores to use the bathroom. This is how law-abiding I…

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Fascinating Womanhood

Most of you are probably too young to remember the book Fascinating Womanhood. My generation talked about whether it had merit—and I will admit, often mocked it. My grandmother owned the book, and when she passed away and our family…

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Why I’ll never run out of plot ideas (or at least embarrassing situations).

I’ve written a lot of books where I put heroines in embarrassing situations. After 25ish books, you’d think I would run out of ideas. But no. I never will, because I seem to go through life finding ways to embarrass…

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But Grandma would be proud . . .

My grandmother was an immaculate housekeeper and gardener. She was so immaculate, in fact (I’m not making this up) when we came for visits to her house, we children had to stay in the basement for most of our visit…

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Why you shouldn’t stop writing

We’ve all been there. That moment where you wonder if writing is really worth the effort. (Actually, it’s not a moment. It’s several moments, days really. And it happens multiple times. So don’t think it will only happen once.) Writing…

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Infamy at Village Inn

My teens think having parents is embarrassing. We wear the wrong clothes. We’re old. we don’t get weird Youtube vines. Yadda yadda. They have no idea what embarrassment really is. These are things that my teens actually said at the restaurant…

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Even my mother is asking

My mom is the sort of loving, supportive mother everyone wants. She constantly tells me I’m her favorite author. When I recently told her that the demon book wasn’t done yet because I had to make changes the beta readers suggested, she…

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Why you can’t base fiction on real life

On Tuesday I was at a indie book store with my middle daughter. As we were about to leave, (I was going to go have dinner and a plot brainstorming session with awesome author, Sarah Eden) an employee came up…

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Demon Book cover take two

Su at Earthly Charms came up with some more covers for my consideration and of course I want to see what you think of them. Do you have a favorite? Thoughts? Do you get the last one?

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The dreaded bio

My publisher just asked what I wanted for my bio in the back of The Wrong Side of Magic (Assuming Feiwell keeps the original title.) I always get a personality crisis whenever anybody asks me about my bio. Who am I?…

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Paperback and ebook versions of "Fame, Glory, and Other Things on My To-Do List" by Janette Rallison posed on a shelf.