
Why authors should never read their own books

It probably doesn’t surprise you to hear that after a book is published, I never want to read it again. I’ve wrestled with writing it and rewriting it so many times, I’m sick of it. I recently got the rights…

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Rude commentary

You’re probably thinking I have something rude to say here, but that’s not the sort of rude I mean. As I once again prepare for the Enrique Worst Pick Up Lyrics in a Song awards, I’ve been pondering the song Rude by…

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The perils of research

Writers are supposed to be accurate about story details. And we try. Really, I’m sure it bothered me more than anyone else when I realized that characters in Slayers went to BMI airport  instead of BWI. And to tell you the…

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As usual, I had a great time at comicon. If you’ve never been, you feel a little bit like you’ve walked into that bar in the first Star Wars movie. Here I am, attempting to go back in time to…

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But can she make banana bread?

As you saw two posts ago, I lost my mind and got another dog. (And no, she isn’t completely potty trained yet.) My middle daughter who just graduated from high school was holding her the other day, and said, “She’s…

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My least favorite time of year

Those of you who have been reading my blog for awhile know that my least favorite time of year isn’t any of the sweltering Arizona days that linger for months somewhere  between 115 degrees and an all out inferno. No,…

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In which I lose my mind

Most people have those insane moments, those moments of weakness where they consider doing something that is clearly stupid. If you are lucky, you don’t have children around to exploit your moments of weakness. I wasn’t lucky. It started on…

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A better class of losers

It’s that special time of year when I’m home from the Whitneys and get to regale you all with descriptions of the gala event. For those of you who don’t know what the Whitneys are, they’re awards given out to…

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Women and the Priesthood, a Mormon woman’s perspective

This post is going to be long. But hey, my novels are even longer, and people pay money to read those. So just consider this post to be an awesome bargain. A lot of people have been discussing the role…

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Why authors shouldn’t ask me to blurb their books. Sigh.

Every so often I get requests from authors to blurb their books. Sometimes I can wholeheartedly offer a great blurb, but usually it ends up being a disaster. Not long ago, a new author asked me for a blurb, and…

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In praise of spam

We all hate spam. It clogs up our inboxes and wastes our time, but today as I was deleting it, I started thinking about the plus side. Okay, actually I made up a plus side.  Writers are allowed to make…

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Paperback and ebook versions of "Fame, Glory, and Other Things on My To-Do List" by Janette Rallison posed on a shelf.