Why I’ll never run out of plot ideas

I woke up yesterday morning to youngest daughter’s announcement, “Mom, come quick! There are huge puddles of red and blue stuff in the laundry room!” I staggered out of bed, and went downstairs to find that a gallon of red…

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Time for more doll wrecks!

I’m what you would call a doll aficionado. Or perhaps just a doll addict. I don’t seem to be able to resist buying them. I’ve got three doll cabinets that don’t begin to house my collection, so dolls sit perched…

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I’m going to be one of those sorts of grandmas

 You know, the type of grandmas who think everyone wants to see pictures of their grandchildren. Yep, apparently I’m one of those. Meet Baby X, thus called because her parents haven’t finalized a name yet. I was four hours away…

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Echo in Time Book Launch this Tuesday

It’s about time for me to start worrying incessantly that no one will come to my book launch. Don’t make me weep at  Changing Hands Bookstore. It wouldn’t be pretty. So here are reasons to come to the book launch…

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The dish on Echo in Time

This book was a long time in the making. The first incarnation of Erasing Time was a book called Time Riders I wrote over ten years ago. I won’t go into a lot of detail about that book. I’ll just…

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The annual bad Christmas gifts report

It’s that time of year when we buy gifts for friends, family, and our favorite authors. (Not that I’m asking or anything, but chocolate is the food of muses.) As I search for gift ideas of my own, I can’t…

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Vegas stories–what happened there

I’m home from the Vegas Book festival and back to my normal life of cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the little people. As usual my woodland friends are here to help. (Total lie. They never help.) Anyway, I know…

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Shang and Tori talk

Since I can’t figure out how to download pictures from my camera. (Yes, I really am that technologically impaired) I’m putting up an interview between Shang and Tori until someone more savvy than me comes home. Interview between Shang and…

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Slayers give-aways, interview,and top ten list

I interviewed Jesse (or tried to, anyway) over at Robin Ambrose’s blog I asked CJ for a character interview, so she, um, attempted to interview Jessie, one of the hot guys you can see on the cover of Friends and Traitors, the…

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The message of Slayers

In her interview today, Rebecca Lamoreaux asked me: What inspired you to write your first book?  I think housework is boring, so when there is a choice between mopping the floor or writing, I usually choose writing. My avoidance of…

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