Bad souvenirs

I don’t know who came up with the tradition of buying souvenirs for family members. (Probably someone who didn’t get to go on a trip, and said, “I’ll forgive you for not taking me, but you’ll have to buy me a T-shirt and…

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What would your statue look like?

I’ve been out of the country for the last two weeks. (But if you’re a burglar looking to break into my house, you’re out of luck. I left my children, all of whom are well armed and in a bad…

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You find inspiration everywhere

Here in Ireland getting my writing battery recharged. It’s so nice to laugh and commiserate. I’m surprised how many writing reminders I’ve seen here. Always good advice. (Dublina tower)                      …

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Why my house will never be chic

I appreciate a well decorated house. I really do. But here’s what happens when I try home improvements. I consider that my wooden kitchen chairs are fifteen years old and I’m even older, so it would be awesome if I…

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Ten Things Published Authors Won’t Tell You

We don’t live glamorous lives. Sure, there are those handful of celebrity authors who are going to their movie premiers and live in mansions. That’s not life for the other 99.99%. Most writers either have another job to support themselves…

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A small tribute to my father

 I dedicated My Double Life to my father. It only seemed right to thank him for being there for me when my main character’s goal during the book was to meet the father that she had never known. My dad…

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Slayers 3 update

So, the book is nearing 600 pages, so I decided to break it up into two books. This is both good news and bad news. The good news is that instead of waiting for the entire book to be edited,…

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Rich in friends

I just got back from the Kanab writers conference. (Check out those beautiful rocks. Gorgeous area) Before that, I was at LDStormakers Midwest in Kansas. (Also a beautiful area because it has real trees.) The funnest thing about conferences is seeing and meeting…

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When not to give up

There are many times and legitimate reasons why a writer stops writing. After I had twins, for example, I didn’t write a whole lot. Ditto for when I was pregnant and throwing up. My muse had traveled to happier places…

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